Plant extracts as corrosion inhibitors of mild steel in HCl solutions (2025)

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Corrosion and plants extracts inhibition of mild steel in HCl

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Corrosion and plants extracts inhibitive protection of mild steel specimens immersed in 0.5 M hydrochloric acid was investigated at ambient temperature by gravimetric and metallographic methods. Extracts of kola plant and tobacco in different concentrations were used as 'green' inhibitors. This paper reports the results obtained from the weight loss method, calculated corrosion rates, inhibitor efficiencies and the metallographic observations from metallurgical microscopy. Addition of different concentrations of the plants extracts gave considerable reduction in the weight loss and in the corrosion rate of the test samples. This apparent corrosion inhibition was associated with the protective film provided on the steel's surface by the complex chemical constituents of the plants extracts. Effective protection of the mild steel was achieved more from the tobacco extract and also from the extract of kola leaf.

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Effect of plant extracts on corrosion rate of mild steel in acidic medium

Premier Publishers

2.5ml Ethanol is used on plant extracts of locus bean (parkiabiglobosa) and banana sap (musaparadisiaca) as corrosion inhibitors for mild steel in 1M dilute HCl was investigated using weight loss techniques. Corrosion tests were first carried out for 1 and 3 hrs of immersion time respectively at various concentrations of extracts (0.5ml, 1.0ml, 1.5ml, 2.0ml and 2.5ml) and 2.5ml were used as corrosion inhibitors and at different temperatures (38oC, 45oC and 55oC). Results showed that the minimum corrosion rate obtained for 1 hr at 38oC with extract of Pakiabiglobosa is 0.85×10-4g/cm3/min and efficiency of 18.75% for 1hr, while at 55oC the corrosion rate was 4.37×10-4 g/cm3/min and efficiency of 33%. With ethanol extract of banana sap, minimum corrosion rate and efficiency recorded at 38°C were (4.16×10-4 g/cm3/min and efficiency of (22.1%), while at 55oC they were (0.83×10-4 g/cm3/min) and (7.6%) respectively. From these results, it is concluded that extracts of locust bean and banana sap can be successfully used as corrosion inhibitors in specified acidic medium.

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Corrosion Inhibition of Carbon Steel in HCl Solution by Some Plant Extracts

International Journal of Corrosion, 2012

The strict environmental legislations and increasing ecological awareness among scientists have led to the development of "green" alternatives to mitigate corrosion. In the present work, literature on green corrosion inhibitors has been reviewed, and the salient features of our work on green corrosion inhibitors have been highlighted. Among the studied leaves, extract Andrographis paniculata showed better inhibition performance (98%) than the other leaves extract. Strychnos nuxvomica showed better inhibition (98%) than the other seed extracts. Moringa oleifera is reflected as a good corrosion inhibitor of mild steel in 1 M HCl with 98% inhibition efficiency among the studied fruits extract. Bacopa monnieri showed its maximum inhibition performance to be 95% at 600 ppm among the investigated stem extracts. All the reported plant extracts were found to inhibit the corrosion of mild steel in acid media.

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Evaluation of the inhibitive effect of some plant extracts on the acid corrosion of mild steel

Emeka Oguzie

Corrosion Science, 2008

Corrosion inhibition of mild steel in 2 M HCl and 1 M H 2 SO 4 by extracts of selected plants was investigated using a gasometric technique at temperatures of 30 and 60°C. The studied plants materials include leaf extracts Occimum viridis (OV), Telferia occidentalis (TO), Azadirachta indica (AI) and Hibiscus sabdariffa (HS) as well as extracts from the seeds of Garcinia kola (GK). The results indicate that all the extracts inhibited the corrosion process in both acid media by virtue of adsorption and inhibition efficiency improved with concentration. Synergistic effects increased the inhibition efficiency in the presence of halide additives. Inhibition mechanisms were deduced from the temperature dependence of the inhibition efficiency as well as from assessment of kinetic and activation parameters that govern the processes. Comparative analysis of the inhibitor adsorption behaviour in 2 M HCl and 1 M H 2 SO 4 as well as the effects of temperature and halide additives suggest that both protonated and molecular species could be responsible for the inhibiting action of the extracts.

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Evaluation of Inhibitive Performance of Some Plants Extracts on Low Carbon Steel Corrosion

M.A. Bodude

Studies in Engineering and Technology, 2014

The corrosion inhibitive potential of Plumeria Alba, Blighia Sapida and Secamone Afezeli plants extracts on heat-treated and non-heat-treated mild steel samples immersed in different concentrations of hydrochloric acid (HCl) were investigated using weight loss technique. The mild steel samples were cut and prepared for the corrosion test in the acid media mixed with the plant extracts obtained by natural drying, grinding and chemical extraction using hexane. The plants were collected from the botanical garden of University of Lagos, Nigeria. Samples of the mild steel were weighed before immersion and at regular interval of 7 days for a period of 56 days after immersion. The experiment was repeated using 0.1 M and 0.2 M of an inorganic inhibitor. Results obtained showed that the extract of Blighia Sapida exhibited the highest inhibitive power, while annealed samples have the least corrosion rate in the Hcl solution.

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Corrosion Inhibition by Naturally Occurring Substances: VII. The effect of aqueous extracts of some leaves and fruit-peels on the corrosion of steel, Al, Zn and Cu in acids

Shams El-Din

British Corrosion Journal, 1982

The inhibitive effects of aqueous extracts of Opuntia ficus indica and Aloe eru (leaves) and of Orange, Mango and Pomegranate (fruit-peels) on the corrosion of mild steel, aluminium, zinc and copper in HCl and H2S04 solutions have been investigated by means of weight loss and polarisation measurements. The extracts retard the dissolution reactions to an extent dependent on the metal used, the concentration of the additive and the type, concentration and temperature of the attacking acid. The additives provide adequate protection to steel in 5% HCl at 25°c and in 10% HCl at 25°and 40°c. In the presence of a sufficient concentration of the extracts in 5% HCl at 25°c, the inhibitive efficiency towards steel decreases in the orde,:: Man~o (82%), Or~nge and Aloe eru (80%), Opuntiaf.i. (75%), Pomegranate (65%). The order of effiCiency differs for the different metals, but extract of Mango peels is still the most effectivefor Al (82%) and Zn (80%). The most effective extractfor Cu is that ofPomegranatefruil-shells (73%). The extracts are generally more effective in HCl than in H2S04 Polarisation measurements indicate that all the extracts increase the polarisation of the cathodic reaction of all thefour metals tested C;lnd the anodic polarisation of steel and Zn, while Orange and Aloe have no effect on the anodic reaction of Al and only Pomegranate has any effect on the anodic polarisation of Cu. The results suggest that the extracts generally act as mixed inhibitors. The mechanism of inhibition has been discussed.

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The Inhibitive Effect of Carica Papaya Leaf Extract on the Corrosion of Mild Steel in Acidic (1MHCl) Medium


The effect of Carica papaya (pawpaw) leaf extract as an organic 'green' inhibitor on mild steel corrosion in 1M HClsolution was studied at ambient conditions. The biochemical species responsible for corrosion inhibition of the extract were determined both qualitatively and quantitatively by standard phytochemical methods. The species detected were alkaloids (1.93%), flavonoids (0.22%), saponins (19.74%), and tannins (3.82%). Six experimental setups were used, for the corrosion inhibition studies namely;distilled water (control 1),1M HCl (control 2), 5ml, 10ml, 15ml and 20ml extract in 1M HCl respectively. Weight loss technique of corrosion rate measurement was used for the experimental work. Results obtained showed effective corrosion inhibition of the extract on the mild steel test-specimens in the different concentrations of the extract used, with extract concentration and exposure time having some effect on the corrosion rate. The 5ml extract showed better inhibition initially while the 20ml extract showed the best overall inhibition. The results were further analyzed using the two-factor ANOVA without replication and indicated that extract concentration had more significant effect on corrosion rate than the exposure time.

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Inhibiting Effect of Natural Plant Leaves Extract Used as Green Corrosion Inhibitor for Mild Steel in Acidic Media

IJRASET Publication

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 2022

Inhibition of corrosion of mild steel in hydrochloric acid by natural plant leaves extract of of Bahunia Varigata (Aapta), Azadirachta Indica (Neem), Pongamia Pinnata (Karanj), Santalum Album (Sandal Wood) and Astonia Scholaris (Saptparni) has studied using weight loss measurement. It was, found that the leaves extract act as a good corrosion inhibitor for mild steel in all concentrations of the extract. The inhibition action depends on the concentration of the leaves extract in the acid solution. Results for weight loss measurements indicate that inhibition efficiency increase with increasing inhibitor concentration. Extract of natural plants is one of the most important metallic corrosion inhibitors. They are readily available, nontoxic, environmentally friendly, biodegradable, highly efficient, and renewable. Several organic compounds with heteroatom such as N, O, S and P present in the plant extracts are, adsorbed directly onto the metals surface through polar atoms and thereby forming the protective layer. Plants represent a class of interesting source of compounds currently being, explored for use in metal corrosion protection in most systems, as possible replacement of toxic synthetic inhibitors. This paper discusses the different types of natural green plant leaves extract inhibitors for corrosion control of mild steel in acid medium.

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Study on Corrosion Inhibitor in Mild Steel by Various Habitual Plant Extract -Review

Muralimohan N.

International journal of chemical concepts, 2016

The inhibitor potentials of discrete plant extract was exploration by studying the corrosion behaviour of mild steel immersed in 2 M H 2 SO 4 solution containing varied concentration of plant extract. Inhibitor efficiency of acid extract of plant such as musa sapientium peel, Emblica officinalist leaves and Azadirachta indica leaves as corrosion inhibitor for mild steel. The corrosion inhibition of the extract was criticized by using weight loss method, gasometric method, thermometric method and surface analysis studies. The inhibitor efficiency increased with increase in inhibitor concentration and decreased with temperature suggesting the occurrence of physical absorption and the highest % IE was obtained. As a result of literary work about performance was reviewed to identify the factor affecting the performance of corrosion inhibitor.Inhibitor efficiency of the extract is found to vary with concentration , temperature , period of immersion and pH.Value of active energy of the inhibited corrosion reaction of mild steel are greater than the value obtained for the blank solution.The mild steel surface in the absence and presence of the inhibitor was analysed by scanning electron microscopy(SEM) and the protective film have been analysed by Atomic force microscopic (AFM).

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Application of Some Natural Plants Extracts as Green Inhibitors for Corrosion Protection of steel in 1 M HCl

amal amal


The inhibitive action of Costus speciosus (Crep ginger) and Lawsonia alba (Henna) on mild steel corrosion in 1 M HCl solution was investigated using potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) techniques. Surface analysis such as scanning electron microscope (SEM), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) techniques confirmed the formation of protective layer on mild steel surface in the presence of plants extract. Results obtained showed that these investigated compounds are functioned as good inhibitors for mild steel corrosion in 1 M HCl solution. Polarization data revealed that the plants extract act as mixed type inhibitors .The inhibition efficiencies increase with increasing inhibitor concentration. The results obtained from different tested techniques were in good agreement.

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Plant extracts as corrosion inhibitors of mild steel in HCl solutions (2025)


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